A hand picked directory of the best newsletters

Directory of the best newsletters






Innovative and undiscovered exciting pieces of news are delivered via this newsletter every morning to its readers. The ‘What I Know’ Newsletter lives up to its promise of spanning a horizon that encompasses everything from pop culture to history to entertainment and business. The exception of this newsletter lies in its purposefully designed format of delivering the lesser-known facts to its audience. The quality of the information provided makes it more exciting for readers to access the newsletter for detailed information of what developments are taking place in the world around them.

This newsletter reaches its valued audience through email every morning. Its convenient and easy-to-read version makes it easily understandable for all audience types. So, if you’re commuting to work every morning or gearing up for the day, your best companion for the hour is ‘Now I Know.’ The newsletter never allows a moment of boredom with redundant, repetitive news items. The readers are always grandly treated to a diversity of news topics to tantalize their senses and spice up their dull days.

Now I know uncompromisingly focuses on one fact. A thorough analysis is carried out for this purpose, employing Dan Lewis, the famous writer’s, trademark format of a humorous and smooth style of narration. The newsletter concludes with a bonus fact in every edition. While the bonus facts are in the form of summaries, their shortness does not take away their effectiveness and essence. It is just as interesting as those featured in the primary news items of the newsletter.


It is the brainchild of the famous writer, Dan Lewis, a media designer and author, who transformed his passion for trivia into a newsletter. With his endeavor, he now entertains an audience of thousands from all around the world daily. This newsletter now proudly enjoys a subscription of 100,000 users, and has grown into several book editions. Dan Lewis has further extended his creativity to his own YouTube channel, where media content is updated regularly.

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