A hand picked directory of the best newsletters

Directory of the best newsletters





What You Get

The strength of Tech Bound newsletters is information richness. Instead of making readers click on links to get “more information”, these newsletters contain all of the insightful information within them. The information is collected from business, technology, and digital marketing resources to provide readers with an actionable piece. Finding the same information on their own can be a difficult task for the readers.

Tech Bound newsletter can prove to be a great resource for marketers and new business owners because of the frequent interviews with well-known personalities from the tech and digital marketing industries featuring in the newsletter. Some famous names whose interviews have appeared in the newsletter include but are not limited to Cyrus Shepard of Zippy, Britney Muller of Moz, Dani Hart of Growth Hackers, Jimmy Dali of Animalz, Kevan Lee of Buffer, etc.

The newsletter tackles a variety of topics such as conversion rate optimization, search engine optimization, email marketing, pay per click marketing, etc. in the form of personal opinions, expert analyses, and news pieces.

The delivery of the newsletter in the morning is an excellent way to relive the old times of reading newspapers in the morning. Every week, the newsletter lands in the email inboxes of its 2,000 subscribers to enlighten them with useful and actionable knowledge.

Behind Tech Bound

Tech Bound is a creation of Kevin Indig, a market by profession who not only understands the industry’s ins and outs, but also knows how to educate others on them. With weekly emails, Indig is on a mission to tell the world what new technology and digital evolution are capable of achieving. At the same time, his newsletters are a perfect dose of insightful knowledge for others in the marketing industry.

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