A hand picked directory of the best newsletters

Directory of the best newsletters






Hustle provides its readers with all the latest news from the tech and business world each morning. It aims to bring all the hottest happenings right from the business and tech industry into the inboxes of its readers every day.

Every Hustle newsletter edition features news stories in the range of three and five. These stories are usually the headlines of the business world. Each news item featured in Hustle is a piece of solid and valuable information and not merely a filler. Hustle acknowledges the worth of its readers’ time and does not even attempt to waste it by delivering news that are mostly piles upon piles of words but nothing of substance in them.

Hustle believes in getting straight down to business and giving the readers exactly what they have come for.

As a part of the daily edition of the newsletter, Hustle features commentary from its readers and glimpses of other entertainment. These are additionally featured with the outlines of the primary news stories of Hustle.

Hustle adopts a tone that is highly authoritative and all-knowing when it comes to delivering business and tech news. As a result, it delivers this information with the right balance of wit and intellect. This ensures that readers remain on the edge of their seats while reading the news items showcasing the evolutions in the world of business, tech and all similar industries. Hustle aims to be easily understandable and readable because its subscribers are usually on the go. They are usually in transit to work or gearing up for the day.

Hustle keeps its mode of delivery hassle-free and convenient for its subscribers. Its readers do not have to download any applications. The creators email the newsletter to their readers each morning. This practice may also be credited to Hustle’s attempt to encourage the young professionals to get accustomed to email newsletters.


When the creative team put together Hustle, they had but one goal in mind. It was to break the stereotypical routine of consuming unimportant and clichéd news items. Such pieces keep readers in the same state of unawareness and boredom as before reading them. Hustle adopts a very vibrant, informative yet compact tone for its newsletter. Consequently, it manages to outshine the regular uninteresting, overcrowded and invaluable sources of information that are commonly in practice.

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